Custom Runway Screenprint
Sometimes there is an airport someone loves a bit more than others. While we do keep track of all requests, many times there isn't enough demand to do a full run of that print.
Now you can have your runway added to the series. For $250 you will receive 1 print of your airport + 4 other runways of your choice (selected from prints currently listed and available on the site). Just let us know during checkout which ones you'd like or we'll follow up with you after that order. Thanks
Size: 18" x 24"
Ink: White
Paper: Steel Gray 100# Dur-O-Tone Cover by French Paper Co.
Shipping Notes: All posters are shipped in crush proof recycled cardboard tubes.
Print only, frame not included
There is currently a backlog of screenprinting. Please allow 4-8 weeks for printing plus delivery time of custom prints.